Tuesday 29 January 2013

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die - No. 1

Film #1 - Le  Voyage Dans La Lune (A Trip to the Moon) (1902)

This is one of the first ever films, and running for around 15 minutes, in complete silence, this film would've completely changed the world. This French film was one of the first films to be shown world wide. It was filmed in black and white, and the each individual frame was coloured, bringing colour to the film. It is based off a novel by Jules Verne called "De La Terre à La Lune" (From The Earth To The Moon).
I can't rate this film myself, and I wont be rating movies until I get to coloured movies, and there are a lot of moves to go till then. Flicking forward, I'm not sure a lot of these silent films are going to be enjoyable, but we shall see.
I did like this film though, because knowing it is one of the first, gives it a little meaning, and shows we've come a long way, and director Georges Méliès shows us the beginning, check it out.


P.S - This is going to be my subject of a lot of blogs, 1000 more to go.

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