Friday 30 November 2012

Jackson On - So... cya guys?

So for the next month basically I'll be in America on holiday, it should be great!

So don't expect heaps of blogs, but when I get back I have an idea for a new series for me.

Have a Merry Christmas to all! And have a great new year!


Monday 26 November 2012

Laura On Kanye West

Kanye, to me is one of the rappers that is actually talented. Apart from the fact he seems to suffer from sevear foot in mouth syndrome, his music is really entertaining. He does many collaborations and over the years the type of music he has produced has varied and changed dramatically.

Some of my personal favourites of his are Stronger, Lovelockdown and Heartless. And more recently his collaboration with Jay Z Clique.

Kanye's speeches are sometimes contreversial for all the wrong reasons but his music is something to speak about with pride. I think Kanye, among with many other black rappers who have made names for themselves really deserve to be recognised as not just people who can say words really quickly, but as true musicians.

But he's ruining his image by dating Kim Kardashian I think..


Saturday 24 November 2012

Jackson On - Amanda

So, by now many people know the very tragic story of Amanda Todd. If you don't know about it, she was a girl who was bullied, and in the end committed suicide.

I'm not going to go on a rant on my view of bullying, thought I'm very anti-bullying. But I did see a video on YouTube which I think people should watch, especially teenagers, as it touches on these topics really well.

So, search up on YouTube - "Teens React To Bullying (Amanda Todd)

Teens react is made by the FineBros who make the "React videos" which are quite interesting, so check them out.


Sunday 18 November 2012

Jackson On - The Unfortunate Life

It's true, we all have the bad days, weeks, months or even years, but what I've found is that listening to music gets me through anything. At the moment, there is a lot of stress going through many Australian high school students with exams, but just listen to some music, seriously, it's been proven to relax, but of course it's all about what helps you to relax.


Tuesday 13 November 2012

Jackson On - Mylo Xyloto 2012

Yes, as well as Laura, I also experienced what was my fourth concert, and also what came to be the best I have ever seen. I'll be brief as Laura described it pretty well, but I can't stress to you enough how incredible it was. The actual performance, as in the music, was a huge pleasure to watch. I've always been a fan of Coldplay because of their ability to use tracks and stuff on the albums, but can also show off their true music ability by playing live in concert. Chris Martin is an idol of mine. He and Dave Grohl :P But, though I didn't want to show my mates, I was so excited last night to witness him. He is actually incredible. The show side of it, was indescribable, to see a studios lit up with incredible light show, fire works, and wristbands that flashed on and off with the thousands of people waving their hands about.

The concert will be a memory for my whole life, with out a doubt. It was incredible. The Temper Trap put on a great performance. And there were three favorite parts of the night for me. (the songs that are about to be mentioned are my favorite Coldplay songs basically) Firstly, Viva La Vida, it was incredible, everybody was up going crazy, and same with Violet Hill. Then, Chris played the two songs that are dearest to me. It's a very long story, but these two songs have so much meaning to me, so when Chris played Fix You and The Scientist, that will be a highlight of my life.


Friday 9 November 2012

Laura On Mylo Xyloto 2012

So I'm sitting here with my best friend Caz and Temper Trap have just left center stage. They were amazing! Although we are freezing our asses off, the performances are definitly worth it. My personal favourite songs of theirs were: Miracle, Trembling Hands and Sweet Disposition. I know Jackson is here tonight as well so as the night goes on I'll keep adding highlights of the night!

Coldplay.. There are no words for the performance they gave tonight. Etihad was chockers and it went off. The effects were very well though out: screens, lights, confetty, balls and spectacular show of fireworks.

Now to the music. All the songs were played to absolute perfection.. well except for Chris Martin "f*****g it up" a few times and publically admitting to it. My favourite song was Charlie Brown. It was madness! Everyone was up and dancing; fist pumping like there was no tomorrow.

One unique part of the concert was everyone's light up ristbands. They were given out and automatically flashed colours according to the format and effects for each song. It was like a sea of lights. Very clever!

Overall, one of the best concerts I have ever been to. Once Coldplay was on, it felt like 10 minutes had passed and it was all over.


Thursday 8 November 2012

Jackson and Laura On - Glee

By far one of the greatest shows that is on at the moment is glee. What could better than a mixture of drama, song and dance. Just starting the fourth season, Glee have covered some of the best songs, hardest songs and greatest songs of all time.

As for the characters, you can go from obsessive Rachel to the infamous Puc. Still one of the most heart renching moments in the new season, is when Kurt keeps ignoring his boyfriend Blein's calls..

It's a show that has really fought controversy, and has made a lot of statements through the seasons, showing gay, bisexual and straight people coping with bullying, shows the harm of alcohol and drugs, it shows the troubles of teen pregnancy and the obstacles that can be avoided with the help of friends and family.

Seriously, I probably made it sound very bad in that last paragraph, but it's such a good show, we both agree, so if you haven't, check it out, if you have, give it a chance to grow on you.

Jackson and Laura

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Jackson On - Life's too Short

I'm currently watching Life's Too Short, another Ricky Gervais "mockumentery" starring famous dwarf-actor Warrick Davis.

All I can really say is it is HILARIOUS!! I'm a huge fan or Ricky and Stephen Merchant, and this is just another one of their masterpieces. Check it out!


Monday 5 November 2012

Jackson On YouTube No. 5 - ERB

This is the last blog of YouTube for now, but this is a good channel!

Epic Rap Battles Of History! Each video they have two famous people and have a rap battle. They are funny, and the lyrics are quite smart too. They are good to watch, so check them out! They are up to season 2, season one is on the channel - Nicepeter, and season 2 has it's own channel - ERB. So check them out! My favorite would be Beethoven vs Justin Beiber.


Laura On Grease

Apart from the hair gel overload and the long skirts, Grease is one of the best movie ever made for a muso like me. The music, the dacing and the all round vibe of the movie is infectious.

As a kid I would run around the house singing Grease songs pretending I was Sandy. Although I now truly understand the movie and the content, as a child it was always something i could have fun to. Grease Lightning in particular is one of the best songs and I think John Travolta did a really good job with the vocals. Australia's young and talented Olivia Newton-John knocks it out of the park every time with her goodie good portrayal of Sandy.

It really makes me wonder why music and movie like this aren't what we listen to now! I would have loved to dance around with friends to music with actual instruments. Being able to walk into a diner and choose the songs you listened to with the help of a quarter.

Do you wish music was the same as 30-40 years ago? And on a completely different note: do you think John Travolta is secretly gay?


Sunday 4 November 2012

Skinny Love

There was quite a fierce debate the other day in the car with my family. You see, I am not a huge fan of Birdy, she has a good voice, and plays piano quite well, but I get annoyed when people are obsessed with Skinny Love, saying she is brilliant, when it's not even her song, and the original is so much better. Bon Iver is an amazing musician, the original writer of Skinny Love, and in my opinion a much better song, and should be acknowledged more.


Thursday 1 November 2012

Laura on TV Music

So the title doesn't make much sense when you first read it but I assure you, it will once I'm done.

I was watching Friends when i wrote this and it came to me: shows, commercials and movies which use songs or pieces to help set the mood or to just be assist with the title sequence.

Friends uses a song as their theme song and it skyrocketted as did the show. But it also made the song and the band who wrote it well known. Even when movies use songs in the background, people atomatically want to know what it is simply because it was used in their favourite movie.

So does the title make sense now? I think so!

Have you ever bought or downloaded a song from simply hearing it in a movie or on tv?
