Saturday 2 June 2012

Jackson On Prince

Who is Prince? It's a good question. Prince, in a very controversial way, can be described as a mix between Michael Jackson and James Brown, or simply a rock styled MJ, who is nothing but sexy.
It was my next door neighbor who introduced me to him, and I distinctly remember the first time I listened to his songs, and I was amazed.
Prince is a very talented musician, able to sing, and on one interview, pick up various instruments and just play them, a modern day Mozart. Not only this, he is a successful dancer, and still touring the world, dancing, singing and playing just like he did when he started.
I will admit that he is an artist that can only appeal to certain tastes, and if you haven't heard much of his stuff before, I suggest to start of listening to Purple Rain, and if you like it listen to that album, and then move into his other stuff. I recently downloaded his Hits/B-Sides CD, and it's great :)
I hope you get into him, because he really is quite amazing.


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