Monday 4 June 2012

The "drama" in life

It's no secret to my friends that drama, in particular acting and directing is a dream of mine. I'm currently acting in a production of the musical Guys and Dolls, my second musical ever.

Drama is my home, my safe place, when I get depressed I watch a movie, and take notes of directing, sad, but it's what I want to do. I'm part of a drama group, and there I've made friendships that are so strong, it's incredible.

Drama is more than just acting, it's changing your personality and putting yourself into a scenario, as a created person, who has emotions, and the acting is the playing out of those emotions, thinking about the back ground of the character, who is it? Why are they doing this? What are they doing? How are they doing it? When and where are the doing it? These are the questions actors should ask themselves. It's a shame actors are stereotyped as the stupid, bitchy trouble-making celebrities...


1 comment:

  1. haha yes!! I completely agree! it does suck that actors are stereotyped in such a bad way :( yeah and you do meet some pretty amazing people through doing drama :) if I hadn't done drama I wouldn't have met you! - mia xx
