Wednesday 24 October 2012

Jackson On YouTube - No. 2 College Humor

So, this channel is one of the biggest on YouTube, and if you watch YouTube a little, you definitely would've seen at least one of their videos.

So a little story. College humor is a large group of video makers, who have their own website - - on which they have forums, and release all there videos and feature other videos. They release there videos about a month later on YouTube, just so they can make some money when people view it on their website. For these people, this is their occupation.

College Humor make all kinds of hilarious videos, from music parodies to live stand up. The main group of people are the people in the "Hardly Working" and "Jake and Amir" series. I greatly suggest you watch the "Jake and Amir" series. It is so funny, a little innapropriate (just to warn) but hilarious.

Definitely one to check out!


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