Tuesday 30 October 2012

Jackson On YouTube - No. 4 Rhett and Link

Rhett and Link are two fathers, two best friends who make videos together, ranging from music to a morning show on their second channel (Rhett and Link 2) and they are honestly just really funny guys.

I really love their music stuff, but I really enjoy Good Mythical Morning, their morning talk show, from Monday to Friday every week. Every episode is a new issue to talk about, and I just love it.

So seriously guys, check them out.


Sunday 28 October 2012

Jackson On YouTube - No. 3 Julian Smith

So this blog is about Julian Smith. He is another true favorite of mine.

Julian is a great actor and singer, and makes videos ranging from short little skits, to his mini series "Kidnapped", to music videos, and he also acts as "Jeffery Dallas" a guy who swallowed a jellyfish.

If you go to his channel, and go to playlists it has different groups of his videos, so check that out. My favorite video of his is "Randy" it's weird but it is awesome :)


Wednesday 24 October 2012

Jackson On YouTube - No. 2 College Humor

So, this channel is one of the biggest on YouTube, and if you watch YouTube a little, you definitely would've seen at least one of their videos.

So a little story. College humor is a large group of video makers, who have their own website - collegehumor.com - on which they have forums, and release all there videos and feature other videos. They release there videos about a month later on YouTube, just so they can make some money when people view it on their website. For these people, this is their occupation.

College Humor make all kinds of hilarious videos, from music parodies to live stand up. The main group of people are the people in the "Hardly Working" and "Jake and Amir" series. I greatly suggest you watch the "Jake and Amir" series. It is so funny, a little innapropriate (just to warn) but hilarious.

Definitely one to check out!


Monday 22 October 2012

Jackson On YouTube - No. 1 KHS

So, one channel I do watch quite frequently whenever he releases a video is Kurt Hugo Schneider.
He is a musician, playing all kinds of instruments himself, and then arranges covers of songs and usually features his friends singing for him or sometimes even sings himself. He is incredible, every video is fantastic quality, and seriously check him out!!


Saturday 20 October 2012

Jackson On - A new series!

Ok, so I did the Aussie series, now I'm going to start a new one, and getting more into acting and music, a bit of both. So I'll be mentioning different channels and series on YouTube that I like and hopefully you will like too! I am a YouTube fanatic so this should be good :)

Thursday 18 October 2012

Laura On Coldplay

All I can think about is Coldplay's upcoming and exclusive Australina tour in November! From their first album to their most recent on Mylo Xyloto, they continue to amaze me!

While I may only have 3 of their 5 albums Parachutes, Viva La Vida and Mylo Xyloto, if you asked me to pick my top 10 coldplay songs in no particular order they would be these:

1. Yellow
2. Viva La Vida
3. Violet Hill
4. Clocks
5. Paradise
6. Death and All His Friends
7. Princess of China
8. Parachutes
9. Cemeteries of London
10. Trouble
11. Charlie Brown

Ok so I went a bit over my top 10 but! There are so many more I could list but if I kept going, I would end up listing the whole of the 3 albums.

To me, you can always tell the "Coldplay Sound." All of their songs have a very unique feel and sound to them and I'm not only referring to Chris Martin's mellow voice.


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Laura On Alice Cooper

Alice!!! Well to begin with, as a child when my dad would tell me about the legendary Alice Cooper I thought he was a SHE.

Once I listened to his music, I soon realised that was deffinetly not the case. Probably his most famous and my favourite song by the man is School's Out.. of course!

Other than Alice being a rock superstar, he is much more. He is actually a very talented musician. I was recently watching Wayne's World and the way they portrayed Alice was beyond me.

Is the make up and costuming too much for you?


Sunday 14 October 2012

A little quote.

So two of my bestfriends are soon to be leaving me behind as they go on with there lives. I was stuck for words when I tried saying goodbye to them. But one of them then came out with the following "Know that words can make or break a person, that words sometimes have the greatest effect on people's livelihoods, on their outlooks and opinions" and I thought to myself all the truth in that statement. What do you think?


Thursday 4 October 2012

Jackson On - Dylan

Besides being one of the greatest folk rock style artists ever, Bob Dylan is an amazing musician, and some of my favorite songs are by the man himself.

The Times They Are A-Changin' - An incredible song, one of my favorites, it's been featured in a few films, including one of my favorite films The Watchmen (I'm a huge superhero fan). It's a very meaningful song, go have a listen!

Another great song is Hurricane, about a true story when a boxer was put into prison for many years when he was innocent and only was called guilty because he was black. It's another powerful song.

Make You Feel My Love, covered by many people, most recently Adele, meaningful lyrics and again a great song.

Check Dylan out, tell us what you think.


Monday 1 October 2012

Laura On X Factor

X Factor is a great way to showcase Australia's hidden talent and for a few lucky people, shoot them to startdom. But is it really helping the ametures to grow as artists?

In my opinion, some of the comments the judges/mentors give on the live shows lead no where. For example, when they say it was'nt a good song choice, that isn't for the artist to be confronted about it's for the mentor. When judges don't pick up on some technical errors it makes me a little upset.

I'm not sure if they aren't meant to be harsh on tv but I remember the days of Austalian Idol when Dicko or Mark Holden would slam some of the contestants. X Factor judging doesn't seem honest to me.

What's your opinion?
