Friday 7 September 2012

Jackson On - Happiness and Sadness

We all live our lives, through ups and downs, and I know it gets hard for everybody at points, but it's incredible what music can do. On my iPod I always have my ":(" playlist ready to go when I'm sad, or when it gets worse, I often just sit with my guitar and just play, improvise whatever, but it always helps. When I'm angry, I often listen to rap, a style I'm not particularly fond of, but when I'm angry I listen to Kanye a lot, he's one rapper I like. When I'm happy I listen to happier, more upbeat songs, when I need to get pumped, I listen to a bit heavier music (not heavy at all compared to heavy music, I don't really like heavy stuff, but I mean faster, more energetic songs.

Music kinda let's me release a bit, let's me focus, and it just works. Try it some time, don't be ashamed of having a playlist for different emotions, it makes getting through life so much easier, and that's my kind of trick of survival.


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