Friday 28 September 2012

The Godfather of Soul

James Brown. Enough said right in that name. Usually on an album there are a few 'dud' songs, but like Missy Higgins, he wows everytime.

The album 'Sex Machine,' isn't as contreversial as it sounds. For me, it's much too hard to pick favourite songs, I would end up listing the whole album.

Not only is he The Godfather of Soul, he also features as the preist in The Blues Brother's movie. In the movie, he shows Jake the light; and after listening to his album so many times, I too have seem the light.


Saturday 22 September 2012

Jackson On - Horror

Yeah, let's face it, I am a pussy when it comes to movies. I actually HATE horror films, so lets give it up for my two mates to force me into watching one :)

Paranormal Activity 3, ladies and gentlemen I give you the first and the last actual horror movie I will ever see. My friends have told me it is the least scary of all the Paranormal Activities, but I tell you it was enough for me. It didn't help when my mate scared me half way through the movie, but what are friends for hey?

What's your view on horror films? Or tell us your preferred genre.


Sunday 16 September 2012

Hi- An Update

We would really like to get our audience involved with our blogs so if you read a blog and have some thought please comment ! and if you'd like us to dedicate a blog to one of your favourite artists, movies or bands don't hesitate to comment on something to tell us.

Laura On Aretha Franklin

Aretha is the only woman in my opinion who can say I'm the best singer in the world. Her albums, her role in the Blues Brothers movie are only part of her achievements.

I couldnt live without her music and I only wish that I had that massive gospel voice. Along with the god father of soul James Brown and the woman who wrote the book on blues herself, Aretha has made a massive name for herself in the music industry.

And in regards to rascism, I find it funny how the African-American population used to be looked down on and now in the entertainment industry, African-American population are the highest grossing people in the industry.


Friday 7 September 2012

Jackson On - Happiness and Sadness

We all live our lives, through ups and downs, and I know it gets hard for everybody at points, but it's incredible what music can do. On my iPod I always have my ":(" playlist ready to go when I'm sad, or when it gets worse, I often just sit with my guitar and just play, improvise whatever, but it always helps. When I'm angry, I often listen to rap, a style I'm not particularly fond of, but when I'm angry I listen to Kanye a lot, he's one rapper I like. When I'm happy I listen to happier, more upbeat songs, when I need to get pumped, I listen to a bit heavier music (not heavy at all compared to heavy music, I don't really like heavy stuff, but I mean faster, more energetic songs.

Music kinda let's me release a bit, let's me focus, and it just works. Try it some time, don't be ashamed of having a playlist for different emotions, it makes getting through life so much easier, and that's my kind of trick of survival.
