Monday 9 July 2012

Jackson On - Aussie No. 3

One of Australia's most iconic singers is Jimmy Barnes, with his rock style with his soul voice. As well as a solo career, he was the lead singer in Cold Chisel, a fantastic band, my favorite song is "Khe Sanh" and they have a "greatest hits" album which is full of, well, their greatest hits :P So I suggest you check that out.

As an artist, he was great, releasing many albums, "Soul Deep" shows more of a soul side of his style, but albums like "Freight Train Heart" show his rock sort of style. His greatest song, probably one of the best Australian Ballads/ Anthems, is Working Class Man, a fantastic song, and once you listen to it, you can't get it out of your head :) So check that son out, and if you like that, then move on to his other stuff.


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